Personal Injury

Personal Injury Lawyers in Parma

A car accident or another emergency caused by someone else’s negligence can be traumatizing and expensive. At Koscianski & Koscianski Co., LPA, we can help you recover out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, and compensation for your personal pain and suffering. Whether it be from a car accident or some other incident, our team will advise you and advocate on your behalf.

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

A personal injury lawyer protects the rights of their clients, representing their financial interests and preserving any monetary claims they might have. Our team of experienced attorneys can represent you in a variety of personal injury scenarios.

If you have been injured in a car accident, we’ll help you recover out-of-pocket costs and receive fair compensation for property damage and physical injury. If you are being sued for causing a motor-vehicle accident while uninsured, we’ll defend you against liability and work to reduce any award as much as possible.

What You Can Expect from Our Approach

Your initial call with one of our attorneys will focus on discussing your accident. We take a compassionate and patient approach to this initial conversation with you, knowing how difficult it can be to talk about the trauma you’ve experienced.

Following your phone consultation, we’ll schedule a time to meet with you in-person to gather additional details about your situation and establish a trusting lawyer-client relationship with you. We’ll take your case from here, gathering medical records and police reports, consulting statutes and case law, and filing court motions. When the time comes, we’ll negotiate with the opposing party and represent you in court, if necessary. We’ll do everything we can to garner a positive settlement you deserve.

Contact Our Team Today

Our personal injury attorneys at Koscianski & Koscianski Co., LPA are here to support you following your accident. Contact us online or call us at 440-845-0500 for a free consultation and customized quote.

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